This is not the first time that we, Ukrainians, surprise the whole world. We have a trait that allows us to withstand any test of fate - the ability to unite for a common goal. Yesterday's bloggers, marketers, teachers, workers, farmers today help the victims of the war, bake bread, weave camouflage nets, collect and deliver aid to the Ukrainian military. All this is to protect Ukraine.
It is now clear that the Russian offensive in 2014 was stopped by Ukrainian volunteers and the military. And these were not only military specialists, but also ordinary people - caring patriots of Ukraine.
Today many men and women from all over the world are coming to help our defenders. They serve shoulder to shoulder with our soldiers in the foreign legion.
Now we are facing an even greater threat from the Russian Federation and military aggression. Once again, volunteers have become the second force in the defense of Ukraine. Every action is important. Every action matters. Any help and support is greatly appreciated.
Our charitable foundation U24 invites you to join the ranks of Ukrainian volunteers and bring peace to Ukraine together. We look forward to receiving your submissions and applications! Thanks for your help and support!