U24 -Ukraine24 Foundation. Charitable Foundation - Camouflage nets

We weave camouflage nets which are used to hide tanks, mortal systems, artillery, ammunition, and fortified positions.

They work hard and produce high quality nets.

Our soldiers and volunteers need these items.

The Ukraine24 Foundation also supports the military to defend the country.

The work is hard and sometimes we run into shortages.

We are running out of necessary materials for production and could use weaving machines to speed up the process.

It takes a very long time to weave by hand so it would be better to produce it ourselves on an industrial level.

We are asking for donations so we can acquire materials and machines.

We do it for the safety of our defenders who are fighting for us all.

You can find accounts and details on facebook and on our website of our organization FUND Ukraine24.

We offer full transparency on our website so you can see where your donations does.

For more activities and info find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and our Youtube pages, and website.

You can help and support at this link: https://www.ipay.ua/en/bills/bo-mezhdunarodnyy-blagotvoritel-nyy-fond-fond-yu24-pozhertvovat-online

Thank you and Slava Ukraini!